Stream Picks: From Mobile to Kanye

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Like many social media users, we were intrigued by DT’s fight with the Pope, Kanye West’s meltdown and the warm and fuzzy images accompanying the hashtag, #ObamaAndKids. None-the-less, among the clutter of politics and pop culture, we shared many social posts to maximize your marketing and small business momentum. Here are a few of our […]

Ripped from the Headlines: What Small Businesses Can Learn about Newsjacking from a Bad PR Pitch

It’s New York Fashion Week. Designers, big and small, push the envelope beyond the runway for industry, online and consumer attention. So what could be wrong with a public relations pitch that newsjacks another high-profile event, resulting in worldwide headlines and hashtags? Plenty! It was a gaffe case studies are made of – one that […]

Ripped from the Headlines: Shilling for Drilling Update

A few months ago, we delivered a commentary on transparency in the hydraulic fracturing, “fracking,” controversy. We came down hard on Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania, and his undisclosed role shilling for an energy company with hydrofracking/natural gas interests and the public’s right to know the truths, untruths, paid content and paid consultants. […]

Ripped from the Headlines: Shilling for Drilling

While we like the headline, the real story rises above the surface of the hydraulic fracturing “fracking” controversy and the takeaways have everything to do with corporate integrity, reputation, social responsibility, the public trust and full disclosure. To recap, a New York newspaper featured an article by former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, which touted the […]