Blogging for Readers, Thought Leaders, and SEO


Today, we’re spinning this headline in a minute to share five great tips on the value of blogging for SEO – search engine optimization. Most small business owners and marketers blog to share insight with its audiences and to establish their companies or respective brands as thought leaders. However, many remain apprehensive about SEO, its […]

How to Get the Best Bang for Your Marketing Bucks

Do you have a dedicated marketing budget?  Perhaps it is rolled into something else like sales, advertising or promotion.  Or maybe you’re a small business and you are scrambling, scraping and pinching here and there or pulling dollars from your “other” line item, which was supposed to be for unseen items and emergencies.  Whatever your […]

A Website Update Blueprint

When was the last time your business conducted a website update or overhaul?  If your answer is “it’s been longer than I can remember,” it’s time to put this project on the top of your to-do list.  There are many reasons why a new website is an important for your business.  First of all, your […]